Customizable design
Unlimited Colors
You have never seen so many options! Change colors of dozens of elements, apply textures, upload background images…

12-column grid
Responsive Layout
Ultimo can be displayed on any screen. It is based on fluid grid system. If screen is resized, layout will be automatically adjusted…

Customizable drop-down menu
Mega Menu
Two styles: wide mega menu or classic drop-down menu. You can add any custom content (images, text, HTML) to any category in the catalog…
{{block type=”ultimo/product_list_featured” category_id=”15″ product_count=”16″ is_random=”0″ block_name=”Our Featured Products” hide_button=”1″ template=”catalog/product/list_featured_slider.phtml”}} {{block type=”catalog/product_new” products_count=”10″ block_name=”New Products in our Store” hide_button=”1″ template=”catalog/product/new.phtml”}}